CASA Part 141 Approval: FTO.0411
trading as Flyplanes - ARN 134483
Flight Training - Flight Examiner - Flight Reviews Design Features Endorsements
Ground Training for RPL - PPL - CPL
Aviation English Assessments
AROC Training and Certification
Taxi Certification
CASA Manual Development and Amendments
Taxi Approvals
Applicable Regulations
CASR Part 64.045 sets out the requirements for people wanting to taxi an aircraft.
What requirements do I need to meet to taxi an aeroplane under Part 64?
To be authorised to taxi an aeroplane you must:
be at least 17 years old.
hold a Part 64 certificate of competency which covers the aeroplane you wish to taxi and was issued within the last five years
have been trained on the layout and operating procedures of the aerodrome by the operator of the aerodrome, the operator of the aeroplane or another appropriate person who has knowledge of the aerodrome
have permission to taxi the aeroplane from the owner or operator, or the operator’s continuing airworthiness management organisation
While you are in training you can only taxi an aeroplane when you are under the direct supervision of an authorised person.
This does not apply to student pilots and pilot licence holders who hold the appropriate aircraft rating.
Who can grant a Part 64 certificate of competency?
A certificate of competency to taxi an aeroplane can be granted by:
a flight examiner
a pilot instructor authorised for the aeroplane class or type rating sought
a person approved by CASA (for example, maintenance organisations)
To be issued a Certificate of Competency you must receive the necessary training to the standard specified in the Part 61 Manual of Standards. This includes the following:
aerodrome markings and their significance
rules of the air as they relate to movements around an aerodrome
local procedures governing the movement of aircraft
use of the radio to obtain clearances and traffic information
start up and shut down of the applicable aircraft type
taxi procedures for the applicable aircraft type
Once you have been deemed competent, your flight examiner, pilot instructor or person authorised by CASA will complete your Certificate of Competency and issue it to you.
As a CASA Flight Examiner I am able to train and assess applicants for the issue of a Taxi Certificate of Competency. Please contact me to discuss options for completing the training and assessment.
The Certificate of Competency has to be renewed every 5 years by demonstrating to the assessor that you still meet the required standards.
Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate (AROC)
If you want to taxi an aeroplane at a controlled, certified, registered, military or designated non-controlled aerodrome, you also need to hold an Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate.
For further information on obtaining an AROC go here: